Crown is a privately held corporation based in New Bremen, Ohio, USA. Crown manufactures electric lift trucks used in transporting materials and goods in warehouses, distribution centers, and manufacturing environments throughout the world.
Crown is the number one brand of electric lift trucks in the United States and the fourth largest lift truck manufacturer in the world. Crown produces and sells it products globally. The company’s full product line includes manual propelled hand pallet trucks, stackers, sit-down and stand-up counter balanced trucks, narrow-aisle reach trucks, very narrow-aisle turret trucks, and order picking equipment.
Crown’s employees are focused on providing solutions that generate improved performance for our customers.
Crown Equipment Corporation expands its international presence with the opening of its new manufacturing facility in Suzhou in July 2005. The expansion allows Crown to better serve its global customers and increase its presence in the worldwide market.
Crown Lift Trucks Commercial (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. opened in December 2006.
We are developing our culture 我们致力于发展企业文化
◇ Customer focused / 关注客户 ◇ Quality conscious / 重视质量
◇ Open communication / 提供畅所欲言的交流平台 ◇ Safety conscious / 重视安全
◇ Team work and team spirit / 团队协作
◇ Honesty, ethical behavior and integrity / 树立诚实正直的品格
We are developing our EE activity program to enhance our team’s effective working ability with a sensitivity to balancing work and life.
公司地址:苏州新区联港路188号,上海市浦东新区唐镇金丰路170号 公司电话:0512-66621118