法国赛科技术工程集团创建于1985年,总部位于巴黎,是欧洲的国际性技术工程集团之一。赛科集团在全球拥有约10000名员工,在26个国家设点,为超过300家企业提供专业技术服务。赛科集团业务涉及汽车、航空、能源、铁路、船舶、医药、石油天然气等技术领域,主要从事高新技术开发及技术工程实施业务活动。在汽车工程领域,集团主要为PSA、雷诺、FCA、丰田等全球知名品牌厂商提供服务。赛科集团于2005年1月在武汉成立全资子公司,之后又相继成立了上海、深圳分公司。公司主要服务于东风神龙、东风集团及其下属各子公司以及东风雷诺、东风裕隆、北汽乘用车、北汽福田、广汽、广汽菲亚特、上汽通用、长安标致雪铁龙、长安、华晨、奇瑞等国内知名汽车生产商,为其提供产品开发与生产工艺开发设计等方面的工程服务。除汽车领域外,赛科技术工程集团大中华区在航空、工业、能源方面的客户包括商飞、米其林、西门子、Areva、阿尔斯通等。Founded in 1985 with its headquarters in Paris, Segula Technologies Group (“SEGULA” for short) is one of the largest international technological engineering groups in Europe. SEGULA owns more than 10,000 staff in 26 countries, and provides professional technological services for over 300 enterprises. The business scope of SEGULA covers such technological fields as automobile, aviation, energy, railway, ships, pharmaceutical, and oil & gas, etc. and is mainly focused on high technology development and technological engineering implementation. In automobile engineering, SEGULA mainly provides services for world famous manufacturers such as PSA, Renault, FCA and Toyota. SEGULA established its fully owned subsidiary in Wuhan in January 2005 as well as Shanghai Branch and Shenzhen Branch in succession. We mainly serves for domestic famous automobile manufacturers such as Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen, Dongfeng Group and its affiliated branches, Dongfeng Renault, Dongfeng Luxgen, BAIC Group, Beiqi Foton, GAC Motor, GAC Fiat, SGM, CAPSA, CCAG, Brilliance, Chery, and provides them with engineering services in product development as well as production process development and design. Apart from automobile engineering, in respects of aviation, industry and energy, customers of Segula Technologies Group Greater China Region include COMAC, Michelin, Siemens, Areva and Alstom, etc.