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北京东岸BEAM音乐实验学校(原中央音乐学院鼎石实验学校),创办于2012年,是国内最早音乐特色的全日制中学,以严谨的治学态度和精益求精的办学理念打造世界顶尖学府的预备音乐人才。经过12年的发展,学校目前已建立完整的教学体系,不仅有专业、系统、国际化的音乐课程,还有针对音乐学生特点的文化课学习,目的是培养多元化人才。课程设置依据学生特点因材施教,为他们未来顺利考入国内外一流音乐学院、综合大学及文理学院奠定坚实的理论基础。我校作为全国首个开设AP音乐理论(AdvancedPlacement Music Theory)课程学校,受到美国大学理事会(CollegeBoard)的高度关注和重视,AP音乐理论及室内乐专业课程由具备国际顶尖水准的音乐家采用双语教学,使学生在学习西方音乐知识及 AP音乐理论的同时能迅速掌握国际音乐专用术语。将毕业生输送到世界各地的著名音乐大学、综合类大学,在北京乃至全国,有着非常好的口碑及影响力。我们的愿景:致力于世界文化与艺术的传播与融合,成为艺术类国际学校首选品牌作为教育工作者,我们给予信任与尊重,以便您在课堂实践中发挥所长并不断提高。加盟中音鼎石,您将于所有教学人员一起携手打造全新的教育模式,希望聘用的教师能够投身于本校创建发展的长久事业,并能够成为尊重他人的倾听者和协作者。Founded in 2012, Beijing Eastbank Academy of Music (formerly known as the Central Conservatory Preparatory School) is one of the earliest full-time secondary schools in China with a focus on music. It is dedicated to nurturing the world's top-tier musicians of tomorrow through a rigorous academic approach and a philosophy of continuous improvement. Over the course of 12 years, the school has established a comprehensive educational system, offering professional, systematic, and international music programs alongside academic studies tailored to the unique needs of music students, with the aim of cultivating diverse talents. The curriculum is customized to each student's individual abilities, laying a solid theoretical foundation for their successful admission into prestigious music conservatories, universities, and liberal arts colleges both domestically and abroad.Our vision is to be dedicated to the dissemination and integration of world cultures and arts, aspiring to be the preferred brand among international art schools. As educators, we provide trust and respect, empowering you to excel and improve within the classroom setting. By joining Beijing Eastbank Academy of Music, you will collaborate with all teaching staff to forge a new educational paradigm. We hope that the teachers we recruit will commit to the school's long-term development and become respectful listeners and collaborators.
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