丽林维育礼雅学校是「小学—初中」九年一贯制优质双语学校,由香港沪江维多利亚学校(VSA)总校长孔美琪博士同时出任总校长。维多利亚教育机构1965年创办于香港,以学术卓越、品格优秀及青少年个人多元素质培养而著名,并于1998年由孔美琪博士引入内地,成立维多利亚(中国)教育集团,如今已积累了超过二十年的两地办学经验,对两地的办学特色和落实课程深有体会。丽林维育礼雅学校植根于国家课程,借鉴IB教学的过程和方法,融合二者教育精髓(尊师重教与严谨治学的中国教育、探究式及跨学科学习的前沿教学理念),延续维多利亚五十多年“一师,一语言”的沉浸式双语教学经验,实行“中英文双班主任制”教学。我们旨在结合深港两地的教育优势和城市特色,以培养“明德向善”的终身学习者,造就拥有中国情怀,包容世界与他人共建人类命运共同体的未来领袖为目标。Shenzhen Victoria Park Academy is a K9 bilingual school founded by Victoria (China) Education Group in Mainland China. Dr. Maggie Koong, the Head of Academy of Victoria Shanghai Academy (VSA), will lead Victoria Park Academy as Chief Principal. Victoria Education was managed in Hong Kong in 1965, and was introduced to the Mainland in 1998 by Dr. Maggie Koong and soon after the Victoria (China) Education Group was established.Victoria Park Academy is an IB School that integrates two independent yet complementary educational philosophies. It immerses Chinese educational traditions with inquiry-based learning. The Academy offers immersive bilingual education - one teacher, one language. All students will be taught by two class teachers, one specializing in Mandarin Chinese and the other in English. The unique curriculum system and the established campus culture aims to combine the educational strengths and urban characteristics of Shenzhen and Hong Kong to cultivate future learners who are caring, driven, daring, and persevering. We strive to serve our purpose of empowering the students with Chinese heritage and a global vision.